Network TAPs

TAPstack provides network operators with the ability to rapidly and effectively deploy analysis tools to observe and monitor high-speed optical networks.

What is a Network TAP?

Network TAPs (Test Access Points) are devices used in network monitoring and troubleshooting. They create a passive access point in the network, allowing the capture of data packets without affecting the network's performance. Here are some key points about Network TAPs:

How Network TAPs Work?


TAPs are inserted between two network devices, typically in a line such as between a router and a switch.

Copying Traffic

They copy the data passing through them and send this copy to a monitoring device.

Pass-Through Mode

They let the original data flow through with minimal delay, ensuring the network continues to operate normally.

Types of Network TAPs

Discover the different types of Network TAPs

> Passive TAPs: Do not require power and rely on optical splitting for data capture. Suitable for fiber optic networks.

> Active TAPs: Require power and can include features like signal regeneration and amplification. Used in both copper and fiber networks.

> Aggregation TAPs: Combine data from multiple TAPs into a single output, simplifying the monitoring of multiple links.

> Regeneration TAPs: Duplicate traffic to multiple monitoring devices, useful when multiple tools need the same data.

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Benefits of Network TAPs


They do not alter the traffic, ensuring accurate data capture.


Unlike SPAN ports (which can drop packets under heavy load), TAPs provide a consistent view of all traffic.


By providing a passive copy of traffic, they help in secure monitoring and analysis without affecting the network.

Use Cases

Network Performance Monitoring

Helps in pinpointing and analyzing performance issues and bottlenecks, thereby enabling a thorough investigation to identify root causes and implement targeted optimizations for improved system efficiency.

Security Analysis

Enhances the capability to detect and thwart malicious activities by offering an unaltered and comprehensive view of network traffic, enabling a more effective and proactive approach to cybersecurity.

Compliance Auditing

Secures precise data capture processes to ensure compliance with a variety of regulatory requirements, thereby maintaining accuracy and integrity in data management.



Proper placement is crucial for effective monitoring. Typically, they are placed at strategic points like between the firewall and internal network. ​


Although they provide greater reliability compared to SPAN ports, the increased performance and functionality they offer often come with a higher price point, making them a more costly investment.


Verify that the TAP aligns with the speed of the network, such as 1Gbps or 10Gbps, and also matches the type of network connection, whether it is copper-based or fiber-optic.

Complement Your Network Taps with PacketMaestro: 

Our Packet Broker Solution

The E.C.I.NETWORKS Packet Broker Solution, PacketMaestro, is designed to seamlessly complement your network taps, providing an advanced layer of traffic management and visibility. 

PacketMaestro excels in aggregating, filtering, and distributing network traffic to the appropriate monitoring and security tools, ensuring no data goes unnoticed. With its scalable architecture and high-performance capabilities, PacketMaestro can handle the demands of modern, complex networks. 

By integrating PacketMaestro with your existing network taps, you can enhance your network's visibility, ensuring comprehensive coverage and efficient traffic management. This powerful combination allows you to monitor and secure your network more effectively, optimizing performance and maintaining robust security protocols. 


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